The Women of Lebanon

I’ve found something that sparked my interest.Sorry, it has taken me so long to post another blog. I promise I will do better. A dear friend, his wife, and I, whom both I love dearly, were having a great conversation one day and she really seemed very vocal about  her country. Lebanon that is. We were talking about politics and somehow we seemed to grow a bond and a respect for each other to know that people from different walks of life share the same interest. She seemed so passionate about it, I had to do some research to see what the big fuss was about. Better yet, I even wrote a 500 plus word essay.  It amazes me that even though we may not be from the same country, we still have some of the same issues in life. I’m not surprised by this by any means. It’s just one thing I wish most Americans can see as well. This blog is by no means a disregard for other women and countries but it is specifically a reminder for men and women everywhere.Take a look and please tell me your thoughts. dreamstime_m_62518015

For centuries, Lebanon has been a place of bloodshed, wars, and strong political movements. Lebanon is a country in the Middle East that sits on the continent of Asia and it’s also a sovereign state. It’s bordered by Syria to the North and East and Israel to the South. Some say the Lebanese women are far treated more fairly than the women in the neighboring countries. So, I did some research and with the help of some well-known articles and journalist. I found that the Lebanese women are treated with some of the same discriminations that other women face around the world.

Based on the Human Rights Watch website HRW.ORG, “Lebanon’s religion-based personal status discriminate against women across the religious spectrum don’t guarantee their basic rights.” HRW also stated that Lebanon has 15 separate personal status laws for it’s recognized religions but no civil code covering issues such as divorce, property rights, or care of children. These laws are administered by autonomous religious courts with little or no government oversight, and often issue rulings that violate women’s human rights. Women have been fighting for their rights since the beginning of time and it goes to show women around the world have some of the same issues.

One Lebanese woman chooses to put up a fight for her country. Her name is Nayla Tueni Maktabi. Her maiden name is Nayla Tueni. She’s a journalist, activist, politician, wife and a mom at the age of 33. Nayla wants to see Lebanon remain aside from regional tensions and conflicts, which have turned it into a battlefield for the wars others fight against each other. She also wants to see Lebanese prisoners released from Syrian jails and also supports the securing of borders to prevent arms smuggling; and equal rights for Lebanese women, from voting to participating in the Army, which is also a huge topic for the women in the United States.

Lina Khabit, an author of the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies wrote, “Women in Lebanon are often perceived as enjoying a better status than their sisters in other Arab countries, whether economically, socially or politically. While women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to own businesses, and since 1988, they have been admitted into the Lebanese army. Since 1974, married Lebanese women no longer need the permission of the husband to travel abroad or to obtain a passport. And the number of Lebanese women seeking higher education matches that of men. More women in Lebanon are forming part of the workforce. Females constituted 18.4% of workers in 1975; this figure jumped to 27.2% in 1995, and 29% in 2007. All those issues contribute to painting a rosy picture of the condition of women in Lebanon.”

Although this may be true, Lebanese women have endured and experienced heartache and inequality just as much as any other women in the world. Nayla Maktabi says,” Today’s image of Lebanon is completely different from what it used to be.”


Works Cited

Khatib, L.. (2008). Gender, Citizenship and Political Agency in Lebanon. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 35(3), 437–451. Retrieved from


Native American Literature-The Ofos


Even though it’s #BlackHistoryMonth, I wanted to take the time out to recognize the Native American culture. This is my last semester at Texas Woman’s University and I’m very excited to join numerous well-educated alumnus from all around the world. I enrolled in my last semester knowing that I only needed two more English courses. What did I find? Ethnic Literature with a concentration in Native American studies.

I could not pass up this moment. For years, I’ve always thought that the Native Americans were always treated just as harsh as Africans in America or if not worst. Maybe, but one could argue that for years. But the point that I’m trying to make is that they were treated very cruel just like many others throughout history. What is one way to know an author’s mind in the literary world if you can’t talk to that person one on one, mano y mano. I’ll tell you! The best way is to read their literature. You want to ask yourself questions like, what’s their history, what are they trying to tell us, and does the work have meaning?

These are great questions to ask oneself while trying to understand the author’s literary works. There is a book that I have been reading the past week called, The Last of the Ofos by Geary Hobson. Two words. Great read! I found Geary Hobson to share knowledge of a Native American tribe who dwelled deep down in the Mississippi Delta around the 17th to 19th centuries. I asked myself while I read away at it’s one hundred and fifteen pages, yes a short read, what was Gary trying to tell me?

I found it to be very interesting. To experience Thomas Darko is like sitting down and talking to your favorite grandfather. He wants to spill the beans just to see your reaction and he also wants you to gain something from it. But, in order to gain that something you’re going to have to pay attention to detail, as his country accent may throw you off just a tad. Darko is a very persuasive, generous, and caring character. I just can’t seem to put the book down.

I want to know more about Native American history. What about you? The Ofos is just one tribe of many who lasted over the centuries. Even though Thomas Darko was the last of the Ofos. He makes them come to life through the book by sharing the history and his feelings he has for the culture. They only lasted for about two and a half centuries. Even though only for a short while. Native American history is abundant and we must continue to remember. Before there was an America there were Native Americans. Whom stood tall and wouldn’t let anyone take their land from them without a fight.

Reading, The Last of the Ofos puts everything into perspective. Why should we stand by and continue to let genocide happen? Ask yourself that question. For centuries, people have been murdered for land, religion, or just for being different. What makes you better? These questions pass through my brain as I continue to read but will I ever get a true answer or will it be left up to speculation?

Welcome to Mi Casa!


I want to welcome you to Chad’s Mind, my house! My home is your home and my thoughts are mines,  not yours. I can’t give you everything but I am going to give you enough of my thoughts so we can share dialogue. So, welcome to Chad’s mind. Here I will talk about movies, books, and anything else I feel like talking about. I know, I know. I can’t really make up my mind. Actually, I take that back. I don’t want to put myself in a box. I feel that we have so much to talk about. So, why limit ourselves?

Speaking of limits, one of my favorite movie lines talks about limits. Can you guess what movie it’s from? It goes “Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
John Keating/Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society (1989) A great movie! Does anyone know what that line means?

I wake up every day and wonder how can I get better as a writer. What can I do to improve? Am I spending enough time writing or am I spending too much time reading. Eventually, you will figure out what’s best for you. But I, I try to do it all and not limit myself and I will never put myself in a box. Ever! You shouldn’t either.

There are exceptions to the rules.I just know when to break them and when not to break them. Sometimes! Ahhhhh. I felt like I had to get that off my chest. Anyways, we can enjoy Chads Mind together and be sure to leave a comment below. I would love some feedback on books and movies that you have read and watched also. We will talk soon.